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Reveal 141 - Daymon - PDF E-Book

Disclaimer: This Photo Book contains some partial & full nudity photographs.
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The New Asian Men or Asian Men Redefined is a calendar and photo book project produced and photographed by Dannydan since 2007.
This Reveal Photo Book is featuring Daymon, a tan guy with a youthful charm and a shy smile. His face has a strong, symmetrical jawline features that reflect his diverse heritage. Dark, expressive eyes add depth to his gaze, often sparkling with enthusiasm. We started the photo shoot in the room with him wearing a light transparent black and pink bikini, REVEALing his golden brown skin and tight upper body; a visible 6-pack abs and broad shoulders with bubble butts that keep filling those bikini bottoms. Afterwards, we took the photo shoot in the outdoor pool. Daymon moves his body as the sun shines on his body. With a deep tan that showcases his active lifestyle under the sun, his skin glows with vitality, highlighting the results of hours spent at the gym. He told us that's it's his first photo shoot in the outdoor pool, so he was a bit shy at first. After posing in several sexy swim wear, we ended the photo shoot in the room again with him wearing some sexy harness and cute briefs.
He hopes to be paired up for the next photo shoot, so tuned in for more of Daymon in the future PASSION Photo Book series!

The New Asian Men and REVEAL Photo Books feature various Asian men; professional & amateur models from North America regions and Asian countries.
This photo book consists of 240 full-color photographs in 240 pages.

Instagram | Twitter | OnlyFans @thenewasianmen

Model by Daymon
Photography by Dannydan
Editing by Bubu Lim

Model Search:
We are always looking for Asian & Pacific Islander men to model for our next Calendars and Photo Books. Please visit our website or contact us through e-mail
The New Asian Men Calendars & Photo Book are available online at

Reveal 141 - Daymon - PDF E-Book

SKU: rev141e
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